Sunday, March 12, 2017

Housekeeping Items

There are a few housekeeping items to keep in mind for this week:
*Tuesday is auction picture day.  Students are to wear a solid colored shirt for the pictures. No logos, stripes, designs, etc.  SOLID COLORS ONLY!

** Scholastic Book Orders are due online by Thursday night.  Orders will be submitted on Friday.  This is a good time to select a book for the last book report of the year!

*** The Middle School Lock-in begins at 7:00 pm Thursday night and ends 7:00 am Friday morning.  Students must have their permission forms and money to their teacher by Wednesday.

**** Students are to be collecting pledges for the all - school Read-a-thon.  Pledges are due by March 19.  Reading begins Monday, March 20 and ends April 2.  Reading their books for the research project, book report, and Literature class all counts towards their time.  Let's work hard together to raise money for more FOSS Science Kits!!

***** Students are to bring their library books, note cards, file boxes and chromebook to class everyday as we work on making source cards and note cards for the research papers.  If they forget to bring them to class they will need to spend extra time at home working to get them done.

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