Monday, January 9, 2017

New Year - More Learning

New Year, New Things to Learn

After a crazy, fun and exciting Christmas Break we are ready to dive in to some new learning.  We spent the first week back getting caught up from having short weeks.  Be sure to check GradeLink to see how your grades have shaped up.  Some students went right to work correcting assignments and those updates will be happening soon.  Be sure to check your grade specific blog for specific information about your classes.
Specific Information for Everyone
BOOK REPORT DAY:  Thursday, Jan. 12 all students will have their Literature Class time to spend on their book report.  Everyone is to bring in their book (electronic versions are acceptable) to read or work on their project.  Students can also bring in their chromebooks to work on their papers and technology projects.  We will have one more day in the beginning of February for students to work.  All reports are due by Feb. 24 (oral reports will be presented before this date).

Book Orders: Flyers for Scholastic Book Orders are available to all students to take, look through, and order from.  All orders are due to me or on the Scholastic website by the 15th.  I will be submitting them on Monday, Jan. 16.  This is a good opportunity for students to select their last book for the third trimester book report, purchase some new books, or purchase fun gifts for Valentine's Day.  

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