Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Note Taking Skills

All students have been introduced to a new, or semi-new, system of taking notes.  Cornell Notes have been around for many years and has recently made a come back.  Many high schools are encouraging / expecting incoming students to be able to use this system.  While we are learning about another unit in grammar or reading a short story the students are using this system to keep notes.  Since this is new I will be grading their work based on 'are they doing the note taking', especially in Literature class.  Because this is done in class under my direction you will see little homework coming home.  In Grammar, students will be able to use their notes on a test as a way for them to see the value in this note-taking system.  It is my hope that as students become familiar with this system they will begin using it in other classes.  There are many good websites that explain this system of note-taking if you want to know more about it.

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