Monday, November 28, 2016

Mr. Bauer Homework

Good Afternoon FHLCS families,
I hope your Turkey Day was a good one. I had a blast. Just ask the kids about my sweater.
Today we had several assignments and wanted to give you a heads up.
For Christian Studies: students should be ready for the quiz on Moses and the plaques (quiz is tomorrow)
For Course 3 Math: we started learning about lines and if they are constant in proportionality. Their assignment is 4.1 packet due Thursday.
For all 3 Science classes we started to prove why we have different phases of the Moon. All classes have a response sheet due tomorrow.
For History: 6th grade started to look at the Geography of Egypt and the Middle East. Pages 50-52 are due tomorrow.
Have a blessed evening.
Mr. Bauer

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