Thursday, May 4, 2017

Research Papers

We are nearing the end of writing research papers.  This week students have
been engaged in creating cover and work cited pages.  They have also formatted their outlines and papers accordingly.  Everyone is working on the editing process which includes reading paragraphs on their own (out of context of the paper), reading sentence by sentence - backwards, and reading it out loud as a story would sound.  During this process students are to make adjustments to their paper, shortening or adding as needed.  We will end this process by reviewing the spelling, punctuation and grammar of the whole paper.
[Since this process is new for the 6th grade their due date has been shifted until next week - possibly Tuesday - to allow time for editing.  Keep in mind this is a learning process, and learning takes time.]  7th & 8th grade papers are due Thursday / Friday.

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