Friday, February 24, 2017

Subject Update: Digital Literacy

It has been awhile since we have had Digital Literacy class thanks to testing and LEST.  Today, a bunch of digital literacy grades went into the gradebook.  These are grades that have been posted on Google Classroom for awhile, but hadn't been transferred onto Gradelink.  To remind everyone, Digital Literacy assignments can always be corrected and re-submitted with a chance to get 100%.  Missing assignments in Digital Literacy still have a chance to get 100%.  With this, everyone can get 100% in the class if they are willing to work for it.  Since many of these were just posted on Gradelink, and the end of the term is coming up next week, I am giving until Monday, March 6th as the last day to turn in late work or re-submitted work in Digital Literacy class.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Mr. P

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