Thursday, February 9, 2017

REMINDER: 2018 DC Trip Informational Meeting

This is a reminder for all 6th and 7th grade families.  This Friday, February 10th, at 3:15 in Mr. P's room will be an informational meeting for our 2018 DC Trip.  Anyone that has any interest in going on this trip should try to attend or let Mr. P know if they are not able to attend.
Every other year, our 7th and 8th graders have an opportunity to experience an unforgettable trip during Spring Break.  This trip starts in Washington DC and continues on to Philadelphia and New York City.  In DC and Philadelphia, we are able to see history come to life as we visit monuments, memorials, museums, and our government buildings.  In New York City, we are able to experience the unique culture surrounding our nation's largest city.  It truly is an amazing trip!
I hope to see you all at the meeting!

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