Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Grade Link Check

Tomorrow is our last study hall of the trimester. If students need help or something printed off, they should make sure they talk to teachers then. All work for Mr. Bauer must be in by Thursday. I will have grades done by the end of the evening on Thursday.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

End of Term - Coming Soon

Coming Soon

End of 2nd Trimester

Sending out a reminder that the end of the 2nd trimester is on Thursday.  For Mrs. Moeller's classes all late, missing, and incomplete work needs to be in on Thursday.
I just returned from a weekend in San Jose at a gymnastics meet with my daughter and am now working on lesson plans and grading.  As I grade assignments this week students will have time to correct them for points back.  At this time I would like to have all corrections turned back to me by Friday, March 10.  

Friday, February 24, 2017

Subject Update: Digital Literacy

It has been awhile since we have had Digital Literacy class thanks to testing and LEST.  Today, a bunch of digital literacy grades went into the gradebook.  These are grades that have been posted on Google Classroom for awhile, but hadn't been transferred onto Gradelink.  To remind everyone, Digital Literacy assignments can always be corrected and re-submitted with a chance to get 100%.  Missing assignments in Digital Literacy still have a chance to get 100%.  With this, everyone can get 100% in the class if they are willing to work for it.  Since many of these were just posted on Gradelink, and the end of the term is coming up next week, I am giving until Monday, March 6th as the last day to turn in late work or re-submitted work in Digital Literacy class.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Mr. P

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Exciting Times

Good Morning FHLCS Middle School community,
We have many exciting things happening in the Middle School. I want to believe that you child is keeping you up to date on all the interesting things that are happening, but they are probably like most Middle Schoolers when they say their day was "fine."
In Bible, we are learning about the Kings. We have seen Saul made some bad choices and watched as the Lord chose David to be the next King. It reminded all of us that God looks at the inside, the heart, and not at the outward appearance. This led to a good Middle School talk and how we treat others. We also saw many similarities about how the this story matches up to the story of Cinderella. Ask your 6th grader how their comparison essay is going.
We have a new class pet. First ask you child about Buster. He is my fake ferret. Then ask them if they have seen the Rainbow Trout. We have 500 trout eggs in the common room outside my class. We will see them hatch and grow a little before we will take them to Hagg Lake. This has come upon us so quickly. I thought we would have them for a few months, but we only have them a couple of days. We will then need to take a Field Trip out to Hagg to release them. The bummer is that we are now gone from school for the next several days and will miss out on a lot of the neat things. I will try to take daily pictures to show the class.
The first parent of a student in each of my classes to respond at the bottom of this post (on the blog site, not the email) will receive 5 extra points for that class. Please let me know one thing they enjoy about the class.
In Science we have started the exciting world of Physics. We are specifically looking at waves, making waves, measuring waves, and learning the different properties of waves. Mr. Munster seems particularly excited as he has many neat toys that we can use in experiments to learn about waves. I am excited to see how the kids learn about and investigate this interesting subject. Ask you student about Slinkies and tell them if you did any neat things with them as a kid.
In History, our students have started to decorate their Sarcophagus. They are excited to draw their faces, add information about their social class, and decorate it with information they learned in the last 2 chapters. When you see them, just look for their (in hieroglyphics).
That is it for me for right now, I will try to update as I watched things at LEST-- take lots of pictures kids.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Middle School Devotion

Valentine Day Devotions

Tuesday morning the whole Middle School came together to share their friendship, enjoy a little food and a wonderful devotion.  Mr. Bauer  shared with us some of the people behind Valentine's Day and how they showed love to others.  We were encouraged to share Christ's love with each other not just on Valentine's Day but everyday.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Book Orders

Calling ALL Book Orders

All orders need to be submitted by Wednesday, Feb. 15. 
Students can bring in cash or check to Mrs. Moeller
or do their order online.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Tuesday, Feb. 14 we will celebrate our friendships 
and the Love God has for us.

Our celebration will include a special light breakfast / snack buffet 
in the common area from 8:00 - 8:20 am
Games / Activities in the classrooms from 8:00 - 8:20 am
All Middle School devotion from 8:20 - 8:30 am



Wednesday, February 22

After Chapel, all Middle School students will be taking the second set of MAP testing with their homeroom teacher.
It is very important that every student comes to school with their Chromebook completely charged  and ready to go, please double check that they are charging properly the night before.  
After this round of testing, results from both tests will be available to the parents.  These results will give us an idea of how each student has been doing and what needs attention.  Please keep in mind that this is only a snapshot into their learning.

REMINDER: 2018 DC Trip Informational Meeting

This is a reminder for all 6th and 7th grade families.  This Friday, February 10th, at 3:15 in Mr. P's room will be an informational meeting for our 2018 DC Trip.  Anyone that has any interest in going on this trip should try to attend or let Mr. P know if they are not able to attend.
Every other year, our 7th and 8th graders have an opportunity to experience an unforgettable trip during Spring Break.  This trip starts in Washington DC and continues on to Philadelphia and New York City.  In DC and Philadelphia, we are able to see history come to life as we visit monuments, memorials, museums, and our government buildings.  In New York City, we are able to experience the unique culture surrounding our nation's largest city.  It truly is an amazing trip!
I hope to see you all at the meeting!