We wanted to make sure the middle school parents and students are well-informed regarding our grading procedure for Mango Languages. We let the students know during their class on Thursday, but here is a reminder for them and an official notice for parents.
Mango is a self-paced programs which makes it extremely difficult to assign a letter grade to. The expectation is that a student will not move onto a new lesson until they have passed the quiz at an 80%. Thus, students are currently at different points in the learning program. As such, we have opted to put Mango on the E-S-N scale. E stands for Excellent, S stands for Satisfactory, and N stands for Needs Work. Mango grades will be assessed on time spent actively engaged in the program. Early on, we informed everyone of the expectation that the students should spend 60 minutes actively engaged with their language each week. Allowing for some leeway in that time for computer issues, bathroom breaks, and checking out books in the library, in order to earn an E, the students must reach 50 minutes per week (25 minutes per class session). Considering our classes are 40-45 minutes long, each student should easily be able to reach this standard. If a student is absent, forgets their Chromebook, or otherwise encounters issues that keep them from participating, they are expected to make up the time at home. (A side note - Mango is a smart program and will stop logging time when the student stops answering questions. They must actively use the program in order for it to log their time spent.)
The grading scale is as follows:
- E = 100%+ of expected time
- S = 80-99% of expected time
- N = 0-79% of expected time
As always, please contact us if you have any questions.
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