Friday, October 23, 2015

Library Field Trip - Monday!!

It's time for the library field trip! Here's what you need to bring:

6th Grade - Just come ready to listen and learn! We will be taking a tour of the library, learning how it all works, and enjoying an activity - all put together by one of the librarians.

7th & 8th Grades:

  • Washington County Library Card
  • Reusable grocery bag to help carry all your books back (you could also bring $2 to purchase one from the library if you'd like)
  • File box with blank note cards
  • 2-3 sharpened pencils
And don't forget good library etiquette:

  • Talk quietly
  • Move calmly
  • No running, not even up and down that really fun staircase
  • Leave the elevator for people that really need it
  • Use the librarians as a resource
  • Be productive

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