Thursday, December 1, 2016

Holy Exploding Flour Batman

It's not every night that you get to go home and say, "I had a blast teaching today." Probably even less when you teach Middle Schoolers, but today, I get to say that at home tonight. It was a blast to teach today. 
In Science we did an experiment to recreate craters on the Moon. We dropped several marbles into flour from a distance of 1 meter. The outcome was almost explosive. The kids and I had a great time seeing what would happen and we were not disappointed. We will finish the experiment tomorrow and there is no homework tonight. 
In Christian Studies we went over the quiz. Tomorrow we start looking at the wandering Israelites. There was no homework with this class tonight. 
For the majority of the morning, the 8th graders were with Mr. Munster. They were painting backdrops for our coming Christmas performance. Since they were with him, I only have 5 students in Math. So we looked over the last assignment, and graded it, then we played a math game. There is no homework with this class tonight. 
In History, we continue to look at the geography of the Middle East. Today we focused on Canaan. Students need to complete page 56 in their book before tomorrow. 
Mr. Bauer

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