Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Book Report Day

On Thursday (Dec. 15) we will spend our Literature period reading / working on our book reports.  Every student needs to have their book for this day, I will also be recording their choice of project.  Book reports are due on Friday, February 24!  This is one week after LEST so I have encouraged the students to have their book read over Christmas break so they can spend January working on their project.  Time will go by fast as we prepare for LEST!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Crazy Snow Days...

Well we had a crazy end of the week on Thursday and Friday. I don't know about you but the start of Thursday looked like nothing but turned out to be horrible by 1:00pm. Friday started horrible but by 11:00 we had nothing. Of course we live in Aloha and we are not high in elevation, so many of you were probably in a more serious situation. So those two days off were great, but really mess up the schedule. So here is a quick update on what I have coming up in my classes.
Before I go on, I want to say that if we have another day off, I will be holding a "Snow Day" picture contest. Take your best picture of you, your yard, or something funny that happened on the day and we will have a short vote on the best picture of the day.
Every year, I love to read a book to my class. It is called "The Best Christmas Pagent Ever." It is a great book about the Christmas story. It brings the story into a little more context for the kids. I plan on reading this through with my 6th graders. We will get back to Moses and the Israelite Nation.
For Science, we have now finished up the Moon and will be moving on to the rest of the Solar System. We have a video on Asteroids and a quiz on Craters and Meteorites. The quiz should be on Wednesday or Thursday.
In my Course 3 Math, we are still working through a big packet on Parallel Lines and how to name them. We will continue to work through the lesson and I will let the class know when the packet is due shortly.  We will have Math club on Tuesday but not on Friday.
For History, 6th graders should be ready for the test they should have had on Thursday. I am sure their cheat sheet should be filled in and they are really ready to go.
We have a couple of special things coming up. Presents for the sponsored family should be in on Monday. We have chapel with carols on Wednesday as well as a Friday before the break. Friday chapel is at 2:00. Kids will be ready to be picked up by 2:50. We also have the breakfast on Friday. Please see the email sent out previously to know what your family needs to bring for that.
The 6th and 7th graders plan to watch "The Nativity Story" on that Friday and a permission slip will come home soon as it is a PG movie.
As always please feel free to give me a quick email if you feel like communication is not up to par. I want the kids to become more self-reliant, but I don't want parents to feel left out.
Blessings on your week.
Mr. Bauer

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Holy Exploding Flour Batman

It's not every night that you get to go home and say, "I had a blast teaching today." Probably even less when you teach Middle Schoolers, but today, I get to say that at home tonight. It was a blast to teach today. 
In Science we did an experiment to recreate craters on the Moon. We dropped several marbles into flour from a distance of 1 meter. The outcome was almost explosive. The kids and I had a great time seeing what would happen and we were not disappointed. We will finish the experiment tomorrow and there is no homework tonight. 
In Christian Studies we went over the quiz. Tomorrow we start looking at the wandering Israelites. There was no homework with this class tonight. 
For the majority of the morning, the 8th graders were with Mr. Munster. They were painting backdrops for our coming Christmas performance. Since they were with him, I only have 5 students in Math. So we looked over the last assignment, and graded it, then we played a math game. There is no homework with this class tonight. 
In History, we continue to look at the geography of the Middle East. Today we focused on Canaan. Students need to complete page 56 in their book before tomorrow. 
Mr. Bauer