Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hello FHLCS Middle School Families,
Mr. Bauer here.
Every year my family and friends get together and we have organic apple cider. We use only 2 ingredients-apples and pears. It tastes delicious and is a very fun activity. This year my family will be doing this on Saturday. Some of my past students have brought me apples to aid in the process. If your family has an apple tree and would like to send in a box of apples tomorrow, we will add it to our mix. The more apples you mix, the better the taste.
The real reason I wanted to write is because I always bring some in the next day to share. On Monday, I would like to let each child have 1 cup of cider. If you are uncomfortable or your child might have an allergy, will you please give me a quick email. I wont feel hurt or be mad.
I just love to share.
Most students are working on a Poster Project in Science class. They will be the "teacher" on Friday as they present their poster. I will save these until Grandparents' Day so they can see them as well.
Have a great day,
Mr. Bauer

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