Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Hopefully you noticed in your family envelope last Friday that our students are participating in a Read-A-Thon to raise money for our new science curriculum. Seventh grade was lucky to be able to pilot the Foss program this year already and has reaped the rewards of learning from one of the top curriculums currently available. We are excited to be able to expand our implementation throughout the school, and the Read-A-Thon is one avenue to accomplishing this!
Each class is setting goals, and we also have some school-wide prizes. School-wide prizes include $25 in free books for the top pledge earner in the school, $10 in free books for the top readers (most hours logged) in each of the three grade groups - primary, intermediate, and middle, and an opportunity to throw water balloons at Mr. Schiemann if every student brings in a collected pledge.
Please help us by encouraging your child to read and collect pledges!!

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