Monday, April 24, 2017

Chapel, Wednesday, April 26

Hope Diamond Hope in God

The Middle School Drama Team will be leading chapel this Wednesday, April 25.  Their topic: Which is better to have - hope in a rare diamond OR hope in God?  While we know the answer, there are times in our life were it is a tough choice and we need to be reminded to follow the right path.  
Our Drama Team will perform an original puppet skit about this topic.  Chapel is held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church at 8:25am.  We hope to see all of you there for their special message.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Research Paper

Outlining our Research Paper

This week we have been working on outlining our research paper.  This can be a challenge since it requires us to organize how our paper will be presented.  Students already wrote their wonderful thesis statements which are to appear at the top of their outline.  This is used as a guide to the major topics they will be discussing.  Once they have determined their major areas they are to break down into sub-topics.  Under these sub-topics they are to write the notes from their note cards (not in complete sentences).  Many will be surprised that this will be several pages long.  Students are welcomed to move topics and sub-topics around until they are happy with the flow of their paper.  The goal is to have their outlines completed by end of class on Friday, April 21. Once they are completed we will begin working on the rough draft.

Friday, April 14, 2017

What a GREAT Friday

Hello Middle School Families,
Today has been a great day.  As we celebrate Good Friday, I pray that you too find some time to reflect on what Jesus did for you and all people on the Cross.
The 6th grade started the day getting together with our buddies in 2nd grade. We did an Easter craft with different color beads and a pipe cleaner to make a bracelet. The colors went with a poem.
Red is for the blood He gave.
Green is for the grass He made.
Yellow is for the sun so bright.
Orange is for the edge of night.
Black is for the sins we've made.
White is for the grace He gave.
Purple is for His hour of sorrow.
Pink is for the New Tomorrow.
A prayer, colorful and bright, a promise of a brand new life.

For my two absent kids, don't worry, I made you one and put it in your desk.
We also had a special Chapel to remember what Jesus did on the cross. Our kids (6th-8th) were great examples to those around them. Many of the 8th graders had a special task of reading from Scripture. The worship team sang a song. All of the 8th graders were in a "Stick Skit." It was wonderful. It should how we are the reason that Jesus went to the Cross. It also showed Him rising again and use turning back to worship him. The 8th graders did a wonderful job. I was able to record there last practice before the service. I have it on my phone and will try to figure out how to share it with you all. We can't put it on the website as we don't have permission to publish the song.
After Chapel we went back to our rooms to finish the conversation. The teachers read from Scripture the resurrection of Jesus and women finding him.

In Science, we have finished with Sound waves and mechanical waves in general. From here we go on to Electromagnetic Waves. We will start with light waves. Mr. Munster and I are working on a lab in which they will wear different colored glasses. We will then show them different colored paper and have the write down what they see. It will be a good one to show them how color affects light.
In Math, my class will finish the chapter on Pythagorean's Theorem in the coming week and start studying for the test.
In Bible, my class will take a quiz on Tuesday. They are all working on a studying guide for each other. We will then continue to look at Daniel during the time of captivity.
In History, we will finish our study on Mohenjodaro early in the week an move to learning about Hinduism.

I want to remind everyone that Graded papers are also a form of communication. Today I found many graded papers in my recycling bin. This is frustrating. Many of the students tell me that parents don't care. I find this hard to believe. If you wouldn't mind talking to your child about your expectations on graded papers. If you really don't care, could you please at least have them come home and recycle them there. Thank You

We look forward to a great, long weekend.
Blessings on your Easter.
His is risen

Mr. Bauer

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Memory Work

Memory for April 18 - 

Isaiah 53: 7 - 9 & 12
There are three references about Jesus’ trial, death, and burial.  Find the fulfillment in 1 Peter; Matthew and Mark.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Research Report

Research Update

The Next Step is . . .
Students have finished their research or are just about done and now it is time to put it all together.  This week we will begin writing a thesis statement.  This statement is found at the end of their introduction (yet to be written) and tells us what their paper will be about (similar to a table of contents).  This statement is to be one sentence and is what we will use to organize our outline.  Once this statement is done we will begin organizing our note cards and writing our outline.  In Digital Literacy the students have learned how to format their outline according to MLA standards which is what they will be using in high school and beyond.  Once the outlines are finished students will begin writing their rough draft.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Crazy week

Good Afternoon from the desk of Mr. Bauer,

There are so many things going on this week that I thought I would give you a heads up.

Tomorrow is the special event for Jean Fasholtz. She is receiving a national award for her service to our school. Each class will present her with a different gift. The event starts at 8:30 and will be held at St. Peters. The service should take about 30 minutes. The choir is singing. Please come on out if you can.

Wednesday is a normal chapel day. You are always invited to come to chapel.

Friday is the celebration of Jesus being crucified. We call this day Good Friday. It also happens to be my daughter's birthday. There will be a special chapel at 1:30 in the afternoon. The worship team will lead a song and the eighth graders will be doing a "stick skit."

Next Monday is a day off in observance of Easter.

As far as my classes...
In History we are completely in exile now and focusing on the remnant in captivity. The stories of Shadrack, Meshack, and Abendego are coming as well as Daniel in the Lions Den.
In Math we continue to work with Pythagorean Theorem and its uses in a coordinate plain.
In Science we finish with sound waves, looking at using sound waves in sonar, and soon move to light waves.
In History we will learn about daily life in Mohenjodaro. That is a city in India.

I am sending in Outdoor School information this week.

Blessings and have a wonderful Holy Week.