Monday, August 31, 2015

Mango Languages!!!

Today, all the middle schoolers started on our new foreign language program.  They had a choice to study either Spanish or French.  We took a placement test to see how much they knew coming into the program, and started right in on learning simple welcomes and greetings!
This program is done entirely on an interactive online curriculum called Mango Languages.  Each student is able to work and learn at their own pace with just their Chromebook and a set of headphones.  This class will be meeting twice a week, but their learning is not limited to that time.  They can get on their Chromebooks and work on their language of choice any time!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Acceptable Use Policy - DUE MONDAY!!!

Along with the Chromebooks yesterday, each middle schooler also received a copy of our Acceptable Use Policy for using the Chromebooks.  One of the back pages on this policy is to be signed by student and parent and returned no later than Monday, August 31st.  If you have not done so already, please read to policy over the weekend with your middle schooler.  If we do not get the signed paper from the policy by Monday, their Chromebook will be locked, and they will not be able to access any features until it is turned in.

If there are any questions, feel free to e-mail us.  Have a great weekend!


FHESST stands for Forest Hills Eighth Seventh Sixth Together. Today, all the middle school students were assigned to their teams. We began with a devotion about Living in Faith Everyday and what it looks like to live out our faith, and they participated in some team building exercises with their teams It was an exciting afternoon of fun with their classmates.
Team "Blades of Grass"
Team "That One Group"
Team "I Don't Care"

Team "Dignified Face Wreckers"
"Team Rocket"
Team "Newt and the Fighting Spectacles"

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Chromebook Day!!!

Today was the day all the middle schoolers waited all summer for!  This afternoon, each middle schooler was issued their Chromebook for the year.  For the 6th graders, this was an exciting experience as they were experiencing life in the "Google-verse" for the first time.
For the 7th and 8th graders, this was like getting acquainted with an old friend from last year as they experienced Chromebooks in the classroom last year.  The 8th graders were especially excited though, as the Chromebooks they received today would be theirs once they graduate at the end of the school year.
One thing we learned last year is when we start up this many Chromebooks all at once, it takes a few days for everything to process and to iron out all the kinks.  If your middle schooler is having trouble logging in or finding their information, be patient.  Everything should be up and running smoothly in the next few days.  Thank you to Travis Brown and the rest of the Technology Team for all the work to make this program happen!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!

Welcome everybody to our new school year!  We are all excited for the adventures that lay ahead of us this year.  We have been busy these first few days establishing routines, discussing expectations, and getting our year off to a great start.

This year, we are excited to try a new way of communicating with our families in the middle school.  Instead of sending home a weekly newsletter, we will be posting these announcements and points of information on this blog.  We actually have four blogs all linked together to provide more focused information for each grade.  Click on the grade that applies to you at the top of the page to find information about each specific grade.  General information that applies to everyone in the middle school will be posted under the "Middle School" link.

So check back here every few days to see what is happening in our classroom and for anything you need to know moving forward.
Our School Theme Verse for the Year - Colossians 3:17 - And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.